Reflections on my 1 Nation 1 Day Mission Trip to Honduras – by Howie Zeager

Reflections on my 1 Nation 1 Day Mission Trip to Honduras – by Howie Zeager

I recently returned from an unforgettable trip to Honduras with the 1 Nation 1 Day outreach initiative. It was an experience that gave me not only the privilege of helping others as a participant of the organized effort but also instilled in me a heightened motivation to do more to help in the future.

The vision God gave the organizers was to reach everyone – no matter what their age or professional station in life – in Honduras…from the President down to children in kindergarten. In Santa Barbara, where my team was located, I saw healings, salvations, and deliverances. I was blessed and humbled to be able to lead many children to Christ – and to see hope reborn in the eyes of many teenagers and adults there.

Never before have I experienced such a giving and honoring of people. Their lack of material wealth has in no way deterred their rich sense of generosity and respect. Knowing them has made my heart want to go back to do more to help with the process of restoration in their country.

The trip to Honduras also opened my eyes to an amazing God that I hadn’t experienced in person before. Though this was my first ministry-style trip, it most certainly won’t be my last!

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